Spring Cleaning

May 11, 2010 at 8:31 PM (Inedible pleasures, poetry, random musings, Uncategorized)

Dangling cobweb-


Brushes a thread-like crack,

Takes a wimpy wipe at the cornice-

Easier to clean than the sky!

And then, in silence,

I’ll sweep.

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October 14, 2008 at 10:44 PM (Inedible pleasures, ingredient processing and storage, poetry, random musings, sights)

Rows, rows and rows-
Jars empty fill shelves:
Little ghosts in a classroom-
Not one spoils the silence.
With dust-lipped, open mouths-
Parched, they wait breathless;
Crumpled spiders to swallow whole.

The lucky ones munch dried leaves-
Toothlessly torn from a chill gust:
Tea and gossip-
With a wind that whispered, and then went away.

-P. Qeluzsva

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